Working on space clearings, homes and businesses, I encounter geopathic stress lines under the earth. These lines can and do disrupt our sleep and wellness and affect us and our pets in many negative ways.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, it will be worth your while for me to do a space clearing and balance the geopathic stress lines, to enhance your and your family’s health and happiness.
If your house is suffering from geopathic stress, I would love to help you. In most cases, geopathic stress can be dealt with and the strong earth energies can be either redirected or neutralized in order to create a healthier energy in the house.
It is important to understand that none of the earth energies we are dealing with are dangerous or malevolent, there is no need for fear. The reason these energies are challenging for human health is that their strong vibrations can weaken a person’s immune system if one is exposed to them for a long period of time.
Geopathic stress is a distorted or disrupted electromagnetic field of the Earth (Schumann Resonance / Waves). The Earth resonates with an electromagnetic frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz – Schumann resonances (SR), which falls within the range of (alpha) human brainwaves. Underground streams, sewers, water pipes, electricity, tunnels and underground railways, mineral formations and geological faults distort the natural resonance of the Earth thus creating geopathic stress (GS). Sleeping or spending a lot of time in geopathic stress zones can cause ill effects on our health, performance and wellbeing.
Schumann Resonance
In 1952, a German physicist W.O. Schumann identified 7.83Hz as a frequency of the earth’s magnetic field. 7.83Hz frequency falls within the range of natural human alpha brainwaves which is an optimum state for well-being and healing.
Brainwave states and Schumann resonance of 7.83Hz
Helios3 produces a frequency of 7.83Hz (Schumann waves) which soothes the brain so your brain gets the same benefits as when you sleep in geopathic stress-free zones and with no electro-smog.
What causes geopathic stress?
Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz) which is a natural frequency of the earth’s magnetic field can be disrupted or distorted by underground water streams, geological fault lines, underground caverns and certain mineral deposits such as coal, oil and iron. Apart from natural earth’s disruptions, man-made structures such as railways, motorway cuttings, embankments, bridges, quarries, tunnels, mines and underground bankers can cause geopathic stress. Steel pilings, metal fences post and road signs stakes, as well as buried gas, electricity and water mains and sewers, can disrupt Schumann Resonance and cause geopathic stress. Certain types of building foundations and structures can be another cause of GS.
How long have you people known about geopathic stress?
It looks like, our ancestors, in most cultures knew about geopathic stress or geopathic zones. In feng shui, Chinese called geopathic stress many names such as ‘claws of the dragon’ or ‘dragon lines’ or ‘underground demons’. Ancient Romans would test areas for new buildings by allowing sheep to graze in the potential area for a year and then they would dissect the sheep to see if their organs were healthy or not (Roman architect Vitruvius was aware of GS). Hippocrates and Avicenna (Islamic scholar) talked about the importance of the location of buildings in relation to health. Bavarians would install anthills in prospective bedrooms to see if the ants like the place or not (ants do like geopathic stress – read more about what animals like and don’t like geopathic stress). A German researcher Baron Gustav Freiherr von Pohl (who coined the term geopathic zones), after a very extensive study in the course of his whole life, came to the conclusion that every single disease could be linked to geopathic stress (read more about his research in the article below the video). Van Pohl developed a scale of 0-16 where zero is 7.83Hz neutral, healthy zone and 16 is a highly geopathically stressed zone (going up to 250Hz). Any area above zero can create a greater susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, parasites, environmental pollution, degenerative diseases and a wide range of health problems because our immune system is compromised in the geopathically stressed zones.
What animals like and don’t like geopathic stress?
Certain animals like and can actually thrive on geopathic stress zones and some avoid it.
Animals that like geopathic stress are: bees, wasps, snakes and cats. Bees will actually produce more honey when beehives are placed on geopathic stress zones – so not all geopathic stress is that bad. Please note that cats would also like places where there is no geopathic stress such as warm and cosy places so if your cat/s are particularly fond of one place it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a geopathic stress there. You’ll need to double check those areas.
Animals that avoid geopathic stress are dogs and some fish such as goldfish.
What other signs can indicate geopathic stress zones?
Walls can develop cracks and extra humidity can attract mold. It’s been noted that roads are prone to patholes where there is geopathic stress. Hay and other less-fireproof materials are more likely to catch fire in the GS zones. It’s been observed that road accidents happen more often in geopathic zones (in some countries such roads have warning signs).
How can I tell whether I am affected by geopathic stress?
There are a number of personal health factors (apart from the environmental ones mentioned above) which may suggest the presence of geopathic stress in your home or office. These include: 1) you never wake up feeling refreshed or actually feel worse in the mornings 2) you have a feeling that there is something wrong with your home – it doesn’t feel right – you don’t look forward to going home – you feel better away from home 3) you may have a serious illness such as cancer, M.E., multiple sclerosis, etc or illness that doesn’t respond to treatment or you actually become not well after moving to your new home 4) the house has a history of cancer or other serious illnesses.